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Project: F.E.I.N.T. is a 2D hack-and-slash game with a dystopian cyberpunk aesthetic. The player is able to throw a their Fast and Evasive INstantaneous Translocator, or F.E.I.N.T. device, to help with both navigating the terrain and taking out enemies. The game features both platforming and combat challenges, and the player can approach the game either leaning towards sneaking around the guards, or taking them all out. 


The player character dodging attacks after being detected


The player using their F.E.I.N.T. device to take down an enemy behind cover

The player taking down an enemy undetected

F.E.I.N.T. as a Project

Screenshot 2024-01-22 152452_edited.png

Our Team Logo

Project: F.E.I.N.T. was my first dive into the realm of game production! Made over the course of one semester as a class project, it was the first game development team I had ever led.


Having had very little leadership experience prior to this project, I was intimidated, to say the least. Having never met my three teammates before, I was convinced that this type of role wasn't for me, but my professor insisted I was chosen for that role for a reason.


It was a journey figuring out how to navigate a leadership role. I'll admit, the beginning of the project was rather rough. I feel I wasn't as organized as I should have been, with both my own time and with my teams. I also didn't have experience with delegating work, so sometimes the balance of how much work my teammates were doing was rather varied.

Final Thoughts

With all that said, Project: F.E.I.N.T. is still one of, if not my number one favorite project I have worked on here at Bradley. Once I got into the swing of things, I realized how much I enjoy being a game producer, and I personally love Project: F.E.I.N.T.'s core mechanic on top of that. Overall, this project, while not the most polished, was an invaluable learning experience, and just a ton of fun. One day I hope to go back and remaster this game, once I feel I can properly do the game justice.

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